Escort the damsel in distress!

Abigail pov contd.

"I am not a weak and pathetic damsel in distress!" i replied to the man who was holding his stomach and looking at me surprised, 

"I may need your support and guidance but I do not need your protection at all. So if you want to treat me like a kid who needed to be spoon fed then you are at a wrong place.'' I reminded him and he blinked.

"I did not mean that." he said, as he stood straight again. But I ignored him. I could still hear his footsteps behind me but this time I did not try to stop him. He would not listen to me anyway.

"Abigail, I said I did not mean that. Why do you always need an apology from me! I thought that we were friends!" my steps halted again as i heard his words for a second but then i resumed without replying.

"This was my last try. Now I will not try to be friends with you again." he grumbled and I snorted.