Marry be and be the empress!

William pov

"Your highness, the guard did not tell us any address, then where are we supposed to go?" she asked as we started walking.

"Lord Theodore, either be in his lodgings or at the knight's training chamber or his office. There is no other place where he could be." that Theodore should have made the guard more convincing. He did not even tell me what the emergency was! 

"By any chance, are you and lord Theodore close comrades?" She always wanted to know everything. Her every question was related to politics. 

How in the world, a novice like me would be able to distract her from political matters and start a conversation that would win her heart!?

"We both studied knighthood together.'' I replied curtly.

"How could that be? Isn't he older to you and now he is one of the masters in the academy while you are still a student.'' I rolled my eyes at the difference of tone she used to define him and me.