Taste of hell

Noah pov

"If you are that much interested in going to hell, let me give you a taste before" i replied as i held her and forced her to lean on the tree nearby and held her sleeves. With one swift motion, it was torn. My whole body bled at my animalistic behavior. But I needed to tell her that I was not worth it. She deserves someone better.

Her eyes widened as she tried to cover herself with both hands. I felt heartbroken looking at her tearfilled eyes. But I was saving her from future humiliation and hardships she would bear to marry me.

"How dare you?" she shouted as she slapped me hard, i closed my eyes and accepted the slap without any will to move to save myself.

Another slap came on the cheek with more ferocity. 

"And here I thought that you were a nice person. You will respect and love me!" came her broken voice, breaking my heart and soul. I have never felt this guilty, this borked in all my life.