who will i chose?

Abigail pov

I looked at the closed door one more time and sighed. It has been hours since I was sitting and waiting here. Yet there was no sign of them coming back. I would have sneaked in and checked if it was possible. The guards were standing on both sides of the door and there were knights too.

The room was guarded like the throne of the emperor. Even Noah did not return. He might have no idea where to look for us.

I stood up to check the books on the shelf when I finally heard the door opening. I turned to see that Theodore and William were coming out of the room. 

"Let's go, little bird. You can read books later." said William as he walked straight to the door. I nodded and followed him only to see him brooding.

"What was the emergency, your highness?" I asked, as he was looking tense.

"We got a letter from the northern duke." my steps halted when i heard his name. Haven't it been only a few hours when the man has sent the letter to me.