I will kill everyone, she kissed!

William pov

She moved closer to me to give better access to her lips and I froze. I was not expecting her to agree with my question. Now what shall i do?

'What shall i do?' My mind was screaming and running in all directions. 

Her eyes were turning misty with my touches, so she did not notice my struggles. But soon she was looking at me with annoyance.

"Either kiss me or let me go!" she replied with a frown, making me even sweatier. Though I was faking confidence, the truth was I did not know how to kiss! I have only been kissed once and that was also by this girl! What if I was not able to perform well? What if she did not like the kiss?!  I gulped as all the negative thoughts started to form in my mind.

"Oh my, so much impatience!" I replied, ready to let her go, telling that I did not kiss impatient girls! That would be a perfect haughty response, right? But before I could do so. She grabbed my shirt and moved me closer to her lips.