Her love

Abigail pov contd.

"Did something happen, my lady? Has Oliver disrespected you? I apologize for whatever he had done. I will go and ask him to apologize to you too." she bowed her head trembling and i shook my head.

"No, it's just the way he looks and walks and behaves. He did not look like a commoner at all. But at the same time, his face has that foreigner look in it.`` I was wondering why I always felt different when I looked at him, but looking at the students in the academy who have come from different provinces, I realized he had that resemblance.

"That is because of his father, I assure you my lady. He is my nephew and it has been years that he is living under my supervision. He is a nice person. It's just he did not like to talk but he is very responsible man.'' She continued to praise him as if he was the most loyal and trustworthy person around.