The Show

Abigail pov contd.

I hid myself behind the curtains. As a proud lady, I was sure she would not wait and check the curtains or other areas. I heard her footsteps coming closer and then leaving farther away. I took a breath of relief. If she would have caught me, she would have thought that i was trying to spy on them or envious of their relationship.

Once I was sure she was far away, I walked to Bella's chamber. Knocking on the door, I entered. She was still eating the snacks her mother bought for her.

  Her eyes twinkled looking at me as she smiled brightly. 

"Abi, i was just thinking about you.'' She ran towards me and held my hand.

"I thought you would not have the time to come and meet me, since you have only a few hours break then you have to return to the royal palace. And you have a lot of work to do at that time.`` She walked me to the sofa and made me sit there. Then she passed me the plate of pie.