We have messed it up

Abigail pov contd.

"Can you play a symphony by seeing its keynotes?" she nodded her head in confusion and I sighed.

"Come with me, we have a show to perform." She looked at me with widened eyes but I held her hand and started dragging her down there.

"Wait, are you serious? You want me to perform in front of so many people and also for a new song. I can not do that. What if I missed a beat or turned blank looking at their faces. I have never performed in front of more than 4-5 persons whom I personally know."

"It is not as big a deal as you think it is. All you need to do is to concentrate on singing and playing the piano. If you are afraid of people you do not need to look at them." though i tried to convince her she did not react. As if frozen, she continued to stand there like a statue.