The War Of Wits!

"I think they did not like the show, Abi. We have messed up everything this time." I frowned as I looked down. I was sure that the beats were perfect and I had coordinated well with her. Though I have not played piano in a long while, it was something I have done for years. How could I be weak in it?

But their silence..!

Even the dancers were looking at each other awkwardly. They were anxious too. I wish there could be something like mike available here.

"What a good performance." I mumbled and started clapping. The other performers looked at me awkwardly when I signaled them to clap too, but they heeded and clapped with me.

Finally as if the spell was broken, or they felt embarrassed that we were the only one clapping, others started clapping too. A roar of cheers filled the room and I took a breath of relief. At least, it was not awkward anymore.