Must be a delusion

Abigail pov contd

It took me all my courage to ask that with love and care, "Would you like to have any dress or jewel among them, mother?" But all she did was stare at me as if I had spoken a foreign language which she did not understand at all. 

"I think I shall go and join duty back since the guests have started to leave their seats." With that I ran out of the room.

I was sure that she would not open her heart for me. Then why did I even try?! I shook my head at my irresponsible behavior as I walked towards the next floor which was booked for the royal family. It has only four balconies one for his majesty, one for her majesty and one each for royal siblings. 

"Wait." I heard the cold voice when I was walking towards the balcony of William.

"Your majesty." I turned and bowed as she called me to stop.