If she agrees

Abigail pov contd.

"I am certainly well informed when it comes to the law of the empire, your majesty. That is why I know that as the daughter of the duke, a higher noble, I can not be punished until his majesty announces me as guilty.`` Why is it that these days everyone is trying to punish me or get hold of me. Her eyes turned red as she heard me. Her seething anger can be felt from a distance.

"Such audacity? Are you trying to challenge my position?!" She moved closer and raised her hand. 

'Shall I hold it. Shall I let her hit me.' it was such a dilemma i was facing that i did not know what shall i do! Sigh! Let her hit me and calm down, I would use it later in front of his majesty to get his favor. A slap would not affect that much!

I closed my eyes and anticipated the burn, but it had been one minute, two minute.. Minutes passed but the pain did not arrive. I opened my eyes only to see the siblings standing in front of their mother.