Peck to a young girl!

Abigail pov contd

Everyone looked at me and then at him to understand where the conversation was going. I gritted my teeth as I knew he would not let the matter go.

Yesterday when he told me that the northern duke had asked him to free me from my duties, I panicked because I was sure there were many more attacks on him left and the last one in the woods was strong enough to kill him if he would have been alone.

So, I vehemently denied it. The shrewd man took it as a chance to benefit from me. He again offered me the same deal! To be his wife! I did not understand why he suddenly wanted me to be his wife when I had already told him that I already have a love interest. 

It was not like the offer was not tempting. Being the empress could give me a chance to humiliate Gerard upto my heart's content and then kill him when he did a single mistake. But he had such a large harem that my whole life would be spent on handling it.