Something Important.

Abigail pov contd.

All the way to the home I was on pins and needles as I had to sit silently in the company of Isabella and her mother.

Even her eyes were looking at me as if she was dying to know what conversation I had with Amayra and Sharon. I could just smile at her every query and look at her mother who was already looking at us with suspicions.

"Mother, I am feeling tired. I want to rest for a while." she mumbled and ran to her room, the moment we reached the palace.

Her mother looked at me and raised a brow, but I just smiled and bowed, "have a good day, your grace."

I ran towards my room too before he could ask me anything. After a few minutes I heard a knock on my door just when I came out from the bath.

"Beth, go and prepare dinner for two people. Since my father is not here, I will have dinner in my room only."

"Yes, my lady." She bowed and walked to the door only for Isabella to enter as she walked out.