Believe the story

William pov contd.

"After knowing the true nature of her empress and her behavior towards others, I had the doubt that it was just a story to protect her from the punishment and gain the sympathy of the empire." That was the day when the peaceful days of the royal palace ended too.

"You are right. But since there was no witness except the knights of her majesty, what she told was proved right.

Do you want to know the truth?" This was the first time I was going to tell the truth to anyone. As it had been hidden deep in the hearts of the royal family.

"I do! But I do not want to pressurize you, your highness. For now, you should go and make the same story and create a lot of witnesses for that.`` I looked at her searching for hesitance or reduction but there was none. But it did not mean that my heart was not feeling any.