Going to be Empress!

Abigail pov

"I heard what happened in the training area. And the reasons behind it too!" the cold voice of Josephine sounded so distant that it hurts me. Even with all the sarcasm between us, we have come closer. I have started seeing her as the friend I have always needed.

But now her eyes were filled with anger and the feeling of betrayal, I had never given her.

"I can explain it." she raised her hand up in the air, before i could even say anything. She shook her head in refusal and turned to leave when I called her again.


  Her steps halted but she did not turn back to look at me. I have never thought that her reactions would be this extreme.

"Does it matter so much to you? I thought we were friends.`` I never thought that my voice would be cracked when I would talk to her. But she did not feel so. All she saw was the betrayal that was never there in the first place.