You will survive this!

Abigail pov

"So you are actually going to be the future empress?"

Though I have heard the same question from hundreds of people since this morning. Bella was the first to have stars twinkling in her eyes when she asked that! She was looking at me with a blissful face as if it was her who was going to be the empress!

I just nodded unconsciously when she giggled and clapped.

"That is wonderful news! I am so happy for you." I wanted to ask her why? Why was she not infuriated that  I had hidden my affair from her as others blamed me too.

I wanted to know how she could be so contended when I have taken the place of the empress, not hers! But I stayed silent. I wanted to enjoy the little warmth I was receiving in the midst of the storm.

"Oh my, Abi soon you will be married and leave the house. How would I manage without you?" I smiled at her use of exaggerated words. I could see she was acting dramatically to cheer me up.