A word with you

Abigail pov

"Nick, did father know about it?" That was the silliest question I could have asked. But everyone came to ask me, scold me or share my happiness but I have not seen my father since he left with master Theodore and Kirian in the morning.

I told my heart that it was because he was busy handling the matter, but somewhere, my heart was not ready to believe it.

I closed my eyes to calm my jittering nerves. I love my father a lot but sometimes he turns into a stubborn man when it comes to me. I did not know why he was so protective of me.

"The whole empire knows about it, Abi. It was announced by the crown prince himself. He had told the world that you are going to marry as soon as you celebrate your coming of age ceremony. He personally admitted that he loved you for a long time but  he has hidden his love because of the same reason. But when he saw you in that condition, he could not get hold of his emotions anymore.