Share the room

Abigail pov contd.

"I want to talk to you, privately." Everyone's eyes were set on me as if I had asked for stars or the moon. The man in question nodded and we walked to a meeting room.

"If you want to know about the death of the knight, then the matter is solved." He did not even sit on the chair when we entered the room and his position was telling that he did not even want to sit.

"I am not worried about that, sir James. I know you all are qualified enough to protect his highness and solve this minor problem." he nodded but then his eyes narrowed at me as if asking then why have i asked for a private meeting.

"Then, i shall take my leave, my lady.'' I shook my head at his attempt to escape. I was not behind his blood. But the man was wise enough to take my hint and understood what I wanted.