Revenge served cold

Abigail pov 

"I am really fine, father. I did not need a check up." I repeated for the hundredth time, but my father did not listen. 

We still continued to sit in the room of the royal physician as the man checked me. As William had promised, we were given the biggest chamber of the royal palace after his majesty and her majesty. A lot of maids were roaming around us like we were already part of the royal family. 

"Your highness, my lady is fine. She is just a bit weak, but after resting for a while. She would be completely perfect." my father frowned at the words of the physician.

"How could she be fine, if she had weakness?'' His question in the cold tone left the physician and me dumbfounded. 

He was talking like the weakness was a life threatening disease and I could die from it. But looking at his threatening face, the physician gulped.