Waiting for this moment

Abigail pov contd

I wish I could have called the painter and asked him to draw the current portrait of Sophie. Her face was burning from anger yet there was a smile on her face. I did not know why but I was enjoying the condition way too much! Wait, of course, I know why! This was because I have to avenge her family for everything they have done with me. To see them vying for things I had, yet not able to do anything about it and suffer gave me immense satisfaction. My eyes continue to stare at her face which is changing colors, from red to black as I continue to enjoy my tea with a smile. I have never felt that tea tasted that great!

"It is great to know. I.. I will think about it. I shall take my leave for now.'' She stood up, ready to leave when she looked at me and I raised a bow. Was she still hoping I would bow my head in front of her?

Tsk tsk. Dumb girl still did not get the idea. Huh!