Welcome to my brothel

I heard the sound of footsteps but when I tried to move further to see what was happening, he held me tightly in his arms and before I could open my eyes and mouth and ask anything, he captured my lips again. And once again my mouth shutdown. 

I must say he learnt quickly, though he was only mimicking my steps, it still felt great to be in his arms and the way he was touching me. 

His lips were on me with a hunger that I never experienced before. He pushed his tongue inside my  mouth, and I forgot all the thoughts that were forming in my  mind a while ago. I felt myself melting under his touch. His hands were doing wonder on my back while his lips sucked the soul out of me.

His kiss was so intense that I never knew that he could make me feel this much through a kiss, it could be so intense. As if he was trying to tempt me to lure me to do the sin. I was feeling breathless, yet i did not want him to stop i was enjoying this torture so damn much.