I thought that I was next..

"Five weeks. It took five weeks for us to get this ready!" Jay was excited, this was the fastest he had ever seen a plan this complex come together. "So what's next?" He played with a stack of papers, nearly five thousand writs stood in a pile.

Errit laughed and said "We flood the market." They drove to the Depository.

The steps were filled with people, it was a busy season, lots of people were coming. Errit saw that a lot of the herbs that people were carrying were in his collection. He giggled some more. When it was his turn to talk to the clerk at the window, Errit slammed the stack of papers onto the countertop and said "Go get your Masters." He knew it would strike a nerve.

The gnome behind the counter was indifferent, he just got up and went to find someone else. The matter was above his pay grade. A few minutes later, the people behind Errit were giving him strange looks and whispering. He turned around to look at them all, his mask made them all quiet down.

"Ah.. That's a lot of writs." An appraiser came out of the back, he didn't look too shabby but he had a greedy attitude about him. Errit stopped him before he could come near them.

"Get a second person, I do not trust this one." His words were shocking to those behind him, Errit was grinning but no one could tell. "Go on now, I'll be inside at the appraiser tables." Grabbing the stack of papers, Errit walked into the back room.

Jay walked up and did the same thing. He set a stack of papers down on the countertop. It was more than 14 inches thick. "Go get your Masters." Jay smiled, his teeth glimmering in the sunlight.

Everything was going according to plan.


Standing in the Appraisal Room, several people came into the room to greet Kink.

"Kink, is it? This is interesting, and quite a development. In order to restore our services today in a timely manner we've brought in most of our evaluators. If any of this is out of order you will not be welcome to return to this depository. Is that clear?" The Goblin at the lead was sassy, he had zero interest in such a huge transaction.

Once the team had started, another man came in the room and whispered to Depositor Chief. "What? ...Excuse me, I have to go check on another room." He left abruptly.

'Haha' Errit's grin should have been visible if anyone could see it, he stood in absolutely silence as they started to go over the herbs and the papers, they separated them by individual herb and then went from there.

He was sitting inside for a few hours.

The Chief came back into the room and stared quietly at Kink in the corner. It was a staring match. Piles of papers were thoroughly checked, evaluated and in some cases shocking correlations and observations were seen in the documents. After the first 50, things were rocky, by the time they had reached 100 materials the appraisers were fully invested. On the 500th writ examined, they started to wonder about Kink's background. 1000 writs later they were all lost about what they had been doing with their lives.

"This is most improbable." The Chief saw the reactions and went over some of the finished materials to check what they had seen. 'this is absurd, who would do this? this is just too much.' "Your name is Kink? right?" the Chief asked a question.

"Is something out of the order?" Errit played innocent, it was easier and more frustrating for the City officials.

"Hmmph. We'll see, we're only half way through. Neither you or that other fellow will have any luck today, I will find out what trick you're playing." He was suspicious and vocal about it, the Goblin Chief was very annoyed. He was having trouble coming to terms with the age and value of the herbs that were showing up. They were prized specimens, aged to perfection, full, ripe and large, many there were not single herbs and materials but cases. Each of the herbs was giving off exquisite auras as if it were healthy and full of life.

The odds of someone having a single herb from an extended outing of that caliber was already an achievement but each and every one of them were pristine. It put many of the herbs they had been collecting lately to shame, each and every time.

"We shall see." Errit crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall. The Chief left to check the progress of the other room. 'This guy is going to lose it.'

A loud noise came from the counter at the front of the desk. People were gathering, pissed. Some had been waiting for a few hours, they only had one herb each, sometimes two. People were throwing rocks along the path at the door and demanding that they be see.

The Goblin Chief opened the door and was preparing to address everyone when he got hit in the face with a rock. 'Che' "BASTARDS, WHO THREW THAT!" Closing an eye, he stared at the crowd. "There has been a development. We will be busy momentarily, if you leave the line, you lose your place. Give us more time, we are working as fast as we can to resolve the issue."

"WHAT ISSUES!" Some of the crowd were throwing rocks again.

'Che' The Chief walked back inside and the rocks began to fly, clanging against the doorway. "This is getting ugly." The wailing outside started to get louder, he rushed back to check on the second room. "You, how are things going in here?" The veins on his forehead were coming out.

"Chief, everything's been in order and sir. I'm not sure but, I think we're wasting our time. We should just get the tabulators out and buy everything, otherwise we're going to be here for a long time." Koesr rushed through the paperwork, double checking everything once, he powered through as many as he could. Koesr was suppose to be the one taking care of everyone while the rest took care of Kink's deposit. With Koesr busy, they were unable to see anyone.

The Chief started to panic. They didn't even have enough contribution points to cover the first batch, and now the second was even thicker. "Bastard" He grit his teeth and spoke under his breath. 'He's doing this on purpose.' He went back into Errit's room. he pulled four of the appraisers out of the room and had them go meet people at the doorway.

The line resumed, they started with the first four in line. The Chief sighed, then smiled at his ability to manage the situation. Only a moment later another person in line brought out a stack of a few hundred. It was only two hundred materials. He ran up and saw the ink stamp on the bottom. 'KINK' He almost tore the writ apart but it was very accurate. He, as a goblin was a sucker for information. Staring at the page, he noticed some of the nuances that were included in the findings.

'Che'..'This is ridiculous. I must seek the council.' He was about to leave when another person came up with 500 writs, each of them were potions. 'What?' His mind went spinning. 500 potions was a lot. Rushing over, he picked up the top writ.

''KINK!'' His fists tightened but when a third and fourth came up with over a thousand writs each he wondered what to do. They simply didn't have the manpower to accept so many materials.

Returning to his office, he fell to his knees beside his chair. Getting into it, he searched his desk and found a communication stone.

He used it.