Kinky Tower

With the help of Koesr, Errit got the names and addresses of a few people of interest. Espers with the power of metal working. They were not part of the Zao Sect, Koesr had come to understand a bit about Errit, and though Errit had a grievance with them, he wasn't going on a murderous warpath. It was revenge, complicated, cold, and sweet. Koesr himself had a lot of things he would change, the certification processes for craftsman and the writs for everything made a lot of problems, a lot more problems than they relieved. In some ways, he really admitted, the Sect was abusing their citizens as a labor force to forage for materials.

At least Errit didn't make them go through the trouble of figuring out what it was they had before trading it, it seemed more open, more honest. Jay saw the way Koesr was investing himself, he came up to him and started explaining some of their plan. "We're going to legitimize the black market today. Yesterday was a test run on our defensive, If we can divert enough traffic away from the depository then we will have succeeded. We just need to do it enough times that it will become more profitable to come to us. That's phase one. Kink won't tell me what phase two is, but I'm sure its going to be bold."

Koesr grinned, "I know. I already know what he's thinking, hopefully this ends the way he wants."

Kink returned to the office, "Okay, what did I miss?"

Jay stood up and pointed at a blank spot on the board, "Phase two?"

Errit shook his head, he steadied himself and said "WE" he pointed around to all of them, "buy land." Then he ate some bread. Milling flour was easy enough and he had plenty of strange eggs. Errit enjoyed the pastry like softness and then noticed that he was very calm. Continuing after a few bites, he said, "We buy the rest of this block, then build our head quarters. Two days ago I sent a letter back to Porto De Paulo, our guests should have already arrived at the bar. I think you two should manage today's fiasco at the Depository. I'll be preparing our new digs. By this afternoon, we'll have a new building. I'll be back after I have breakfast at the Bar. Go meet with our people and make sure there is enough to keep the Offices busy until lunch. After that, it won't matter." He left the building and pulled out the Cart.

The Bar was a few blocks away, on his way, he saw five figures flying overhead. The Suns had yet to fully come out, the twilight was fading. They landed next to the door in front of Kink's Cart. "You'll need to learn how to fly one day." Likoe rubbed his belly. "Lets get inside, I'm fuckin hungry."

Errit stopped him and pulled out a few plates of fruit. "Like I said, I have work for you. 100 fruits, but I need craftsmanship here. What I want is.." Errit pulled out some building plans and spread them out across his cart. It showed the block that he was trying to buy. "I want to get as many of these other stores to sell, then I want to put giant pillars.." Errit demonstrated his ideas a bit to the Dragonkin, two of them were could manipulate Metal and one of them could control Earth magic.

"That's a lot of stuff to do, can't do it in one day. 100 fruit a day, each." Likoe crossed his arms, he knew that he was important for the role.

Errit grinned but no one could tell. "You drive a hard bargain, I want the building as high as you can make it. At the top, Build a landing pad. But, to start.. you'll have to give it a foundation.. " Kink was trying to tell Likoe how he wanted the building.

Likoe stopped him. "Its easier than you make it out to be. Just give me today's payment in advance plus another four fruit." Likoe was definitely good at getting more than was what agreed, Errit appreciated the natural aspects of the Dragons, it was honest, but a bit greedy.

Errit stood by the side, Likeo flew into the air and hovered. The Earth magic user was standing below, he was already channeling onto the soil and bedrock. Likoe started channeling and drove a giant spike into the ground, it was about a meter in diameter and went down several hundred feet. It cut through the bedrock like a sword in the water. They changed positions and went to the other corners, one by one the four pillars rose from the ground. They were made of hardened Anandanim, purple and vibrant like a royal spear. The Material wasn't valuable enough to steal, but it was hard enough to use in permanent construction.


Jay was busy at he Depository, he was overseeing the actors who were turning in their writs and clogging traffic. There were several new appraisers, the number of actors that showed up was barely enough to keep them busy until the afternoon unless he gave them more writs. Jay couldn't approach them during the operation, otherwise the rest of the line would know it was a direct manipulation.

He turned and saw the fourth spike being driven into the ground, if flowed like a falling rod into the soil and stone. Above it all, nearly 900 feet into the air, a Dragonkin was hovering steadily. The four pillars shaded the area, casting shadows on the City district around them.

Lots of eyes were on the construction team. Jay saw Kink in the distance, he too was looking up at the feat, shaking his head at times and nodding during other events. After an hour and nearing full morning's light, the first floor of the Kinky Tower was completed. Since there were no zoning and clear property line laws on Shiyan, Errit took liberties on their oversight, committing aggressive city changes without permission.

His building covered the ones below it. Housing them like an Umbrella with four giant spires that went up almost a kilometer into the air. Most of the Towers in the Capital were only half its size, the four pillars instantly dwarfed the rest of the City. Giant Banners hung between the pillars, in giant, bold letters, the word "KINKY" was spelled one letter at a time, it ran the upper lengths of the Tower, each letter was so massive they could be read from far away.

Jay spit the drink in his mouth out. 'Fucking Hell' He flipped the hot bits off his hands and watched the letters flutter in the wind. "This is much bigger than I expected."

Koesr looked up, 'Kinky?'
