Unwelcomed Guest

Curtains fluttered in the cold wind as silence brimmed inside the room apart from the calm, recurring heartbeat and the soft breathing of the human. Moonlight seeped into the room falling on the three silent figures, who were observing the human sleeping peacefully without a care for her life.

No one knew how long they watched the human until Elena broke the silence by exhaling heavily. She rubbed her forehead when she recalled how Ezekiel brought the human into their guild - ignoring the protests and took her straightaway to his room.

She couldn't understand him anymore...Why was he so worried for a human,that he didn't care about the umpteen rules he had broken?

She glanced at Ezekiel who was staring at the human with a frown on his face. She could literally see the wheels spinning madly inside his brain as he tried to find an answer for his actions.

Letting out a sigh, Elena asked, "What do you plan to do with her, Ezekiel?"

His frown deepened and his brows squeezed together as if he was trying to come down to a conclusion for his actions but couldn't find any…

Even he didn't know why he cared for this strange human from the moment he laid his eyes on her. He recalled how the human appeared out of nowhere, standing in the middle of the road, with blood smeared all over her body, looking at him desperately as her long black hair fluttered in the wind.

Ezekiel couldn't explain the strange discomfort he felt under her desperate gaze. He felt strange, unfamiliar emotions stir inside him when he noticed her distressed appearance. Somehow he felt he had to protect her, protect her from all the dangers and keep her safe in his arms and before he knew it, his body had already acted on his emotions.

Ezekiel pressed his lips and tapped his fingers on the table as he tried to understand what was so special about this human. As the sound of the tapping slowly increased in the room, Elena exchanged glances with Casper who shook his head slightly, motioning her to give him time.

She rolled her eyes but nevertheless remained silent, waiting for Ezekiel's next course of action.

Yet to her annoyance, she saw him ignore them as he stared at the human.

Just as her thin string of patience was about to snap, she heard him respond but his answer only made her want to strangle this cold bastard.

"Who is she?"

Elena's eyes flew wide open as she took steps forward angrily to hit him when the door to their room burst open.

Instantly three pairs of eyes flew towards the entrance and saw a messy Xavier panting before them. His eyes swiped fast each one of them before his eyes finally landed on Skyla, sleeping on the bed.

"Thank God" Xavier murmured as he sank to his knees in relief.

No one knew the turmoil he went through when he found her missing from the alley and when he found the remains of his bottle on the floor. He panicked when he heard that she was taken away by the mistress of Anderson mansion. Even if the lady turned out to be a good vampire, no one... not even a good vampire would bring a human back into their home.

It is the same as leading the sheep to a den of wolves.

Xavier wanted to instantly break into their mansion and rescue her when he received news that Ezekiel had already saved her and returned to the guild.

Ezekiel got up from his seat as he turned to the kneeling vampire and asked in a daunting voice, "Care to explain how she appeared at their mansion when I left her in your care?"

Xavier flinched as he withdrew his eyes from Skyla to meet Ezekiel's icy cold gaze. He bit his lips as he tried to keep his voice still before he said, "I can explain… I only asked her to stay away from the house -."

Xavier stopped when he suddenly felt a tremendous pressure pressing his head towards the floor. He lifted his eyes with difficulty and saw Ezekiel's dark expression and frantically continued, "I didn't have a choice, Ezekiel. Alistair turned up in front of my house"

Instantly the pressure disappeared, making Xavier exhale in relief. He slowly straightened his posture and patted his chest comforting his poor heart. He took deep breaths before looking at Ezekiel who had his jaws clenched in anger.

Xavier stood up from the ground and said slowly, "I couldn't let him meet her, right? Nor did I expect him to show up on my doorstep. So I could only bring her out."

Ezekiel's eyes spurred fire yet he remained silent as he stared at Xavier signalling him to continue.

"I knew it wasn't safe for her so I gave her my precious pill yet I can't believe that it got wasted and she was taken away" Xavier uttered desolately

"What did he say?" Ezekiel asked disinterestedly as he turned to sit down on the chair, finally letting Xavier close his eyes in relief.

He was safe!

Xavier rolled his eyes as he uttered sarcastically, "What else? He kept wanting to know where and what was so important that you had to miss the banquet." He snorted as he continued, "God, he sure wants to keep you under his nose"

Casper chuckled as his eyes gleamed, "He can only try"

Ezekiel narrowed his eyes as he sneered, "He must be getting anxious with time"

Casper and Xavier snickered while Elena kept a blank face. She wanted to slap every single one of them for diverting from the main issue. Nevertheless, she stepped forward and said sternly, "Ezekiel, we can't keep her here."

His eyes instantly flew towards her glaringly but Elena remained unperturbed as she ignored his gaze and continued, "You clearly know what will happen when Alistair finds out that you sheltered a human right under his nose."

Ezekiel frowned in displeasure while Casper and Xavier turned to Elena in exasperation.

'Why would you bring back the devil when we painstakingly calmed him down?'

Elena glared at them as she said brusquely, "She can't stay here… she will only be a burden to us"

Unexpectedly, Casper stood with Elena as he added, "What she said is true, Ezekiel. Even if you want to protect her, once the news reaches his ears, he will do everything to kidnap her and hold her against you to make you surrender."

He pursed his lips as he kept his eyes on Ezekiel and said solemnly, "We won't be able to protect her at that time"

Ezekiel pursed his lips, knowing all too well that they were right but he couldn't let her go… not yet… not unless he knows what it is about her that bothered him.

The temperature dropped as cold tension brewed in the air until Xavier spoke up, breaking the frigid atmosphere, "Well, not entirely"

The moment he spoke, everyone turned to him instantly making his lips twitch.

"I mean… we need to know where she came from and what she is"

"What do you mean?" Elena furrowed her brows as she questioned him.

Xavier smiled wickedly as he vanished and appeared beside Skyla and removed the quilt, startling the vampires.

"What are you doing?" Casper asked, completely shocked by his actions.

Xavier rolled his eyes as he opened his hands to his sides and said, "Well, for a start, we need to know why her body heals faster than humans."