Little Rabbit

Skyla squeezed her eyes as she scrunched her face before turning over to a more comfortable position, before last night's events flashed in her mind. Her eyes flew open instantly and stared at the unfamiliar table in front of her. Pursing her lips, she laid on her back as she gazed at the black unfamiliar ceiling.

'Yet another room,' she thought.

She didn't spring up immediately but instead stared at the ceiling and wondered, 'How many more times would she have to deal with this scenario?'

She has only arrived in this world two days ago and yet each time she opens her eyes to an unfamiliar room and each time it's because she fainted. Skyla sighed heavily, 'Will I ever wake up after a goodnight sleep?'

'I don't think so,' her mind whispered tiredly.

Shaking her head, she rose from her bed and blinked at the room. The room had black interiors giving the room a dark, sophisticated vibe. It held the basics - bed, closet, table and a washroom. The room honestly had nothing apart from this showing how lazy the owner was. Yet even with these simple things, the room still held a charm.

Her eyes wandered across the room before realizing that she was all alone. She scrunched up her eyebrows when her eyes laid on a black trench coat over the chair. Instantly she recalled the silver-haired guy with piercing cold black eyes, that sent shudders to her heart, appearing before her at her worst times like a knight in dark armour.

She was quickly distracted when her stomach growled in protest. Removing the quilts covering her, she stood up from the bed and instantly faced her reflection.

Skyla blinked at her reflection before her eyes widened in shock.

'My dress?!'

She clutched her dress instinctively. Her dress has been changed into a black frock with a black thin string tied around the collar. Her face flushed at the thought of the cold mean guy changing her dress robotically.

Skyla gritted her teeth as she scolded the shameless guy, "Pervert"

Ezekiel didn't know that he had been labelled as a pervert in Skyla's mind from this moment on forth.

She puffed up her cheeks angrily and turned around to hunt down the guy when something soft trickled down her feet. Halting on her tracks, Skyla looked down and noticed the bandage which had a little blood in the middle.

Instinctively she touched her forehead and looked up at the mirror. She looked serene when she noticed her wound had already disappeared.

'This time it healed way faster than last time,' she thought curiously before she remembered how the vampires gathered around her.

Skyla scoffed, "It's not like I didn't expect their reaction" yet the silver-haired guy's actions perturbed her.

It was the first time in her life, counting her experience in both the worlds, that someone apart from her family became concerned about her injury rather than losing control upon the sight of her blood.

That feeling was completely new and... raw that it left her unsettled.

"Who is he?" she mumbled curiously.

He appeared like a storm, saving her from her desperate situations and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Just the thought of him made her feel warm inside and she couldn't understand why.

'Well, I will know once I meet him again'

Nodding her head, she moved towards the entrance and stepped out. Instantly noises and laughter floated to her ears making her raise her eyebrows in surprise.

Right in front of her was an empty hallway with a curved wide staircase leading downstairs. She could see light glowing downstairs and shadows appear on the wall showing how festive it was downstairs.

'It should be safe, right?'

Curiously, Skyla cascaded down the stairs, voices growing louder at her each step. Right as she turned around the stairs to face the room, she saw numerous people group together as they chatted and laughed boisterously making her jaw drop open.

Before she knew it, she had already reached the end of the stairs and just as her foot was about to leave the last step and touch the ground, the room instantly silenced and several eyes turned on her, making her blink.

Her lips twitched at her awkward posture - her foot dangling in the air, halfway touching and halfway withdrawing back. Skyla coughed as she straightened her posture and withdrew her foot and stayed on the last step of the stairs.

She fidgeted nervously as her eyes landed on all the people inside the room. Some looked curious, some looked excited for something to happen while some looked disgusted.

'Umm.. I think it's better to return to the room'

Skyla smiled perfunctorily before turning on her heels to escape to her room. Instantly she felt a whoosh near her face and a small clink before her eyes landed on the axe buried in the wall.

Her hands flew to her face and surprisingly there was no injury.

'That was too close… would she have died if it hadn't missed her?'

She gulped at the unknown when she heard a loud boisterous laugh behind her, "Of course, I wouldn't miss my target, little rabbit"

Skyla turned around instantly and saw a huge man with a round belly stand up from the table, grinning at her wickedly.

His eyes gleamed as he said, "It's not everyday a human grace their presence in front of us." Letting out a laugh, he added playfully, "So why don't you entertain us a little, little rabbit?"

Skyla's heart thundered loudly inside her chest as beads of sweat formed on her forehead.

'Stupid… I should have just stayed inside the room' she scolded herself as she looked at the huge vampire.

"Come on Fred, you have scared the little lamb" a cheeky voice out which turned the silent room filled with laughter.

Skyla pursed her lips as she shifted her eyes towards the voice but to her surprise, she saw a cute child standing up, smiling at her.

Even though the kid looked cute with his ash hair falling over his forehead, his red eyes sparkling in excitement and his cheeks still having that baby fat, the kid still gave off a very creepy aura making her want to stay away from the child intuitively.

The kid titled his head cutely as he cupped his chubby cheeks and pouted, "Sister, are you scared of me?"

Skyla flinched as she unconsciously took a step back making the kid narrow his eyes.

"You can't run away, Sister," the kid smirked, making her want to run for the hills.

"Let's have some fun"

Skyla took a deep breath as she tried her very best to control her heartbeat and hide her nervous fingers behind her back before she gazed at the vampires and said straightforwardly, "I'm sorry, I thought I could find the person who saved me" She halted as she pretended to look for him across the room before her gaze rested on the kid and continued, "But I can see that he is not here so I will just remain in the room and not disrupt your fun"

Though Skyla looked confident staring at the vampires, her insides were squirming in anxiety. She desperately hoped that they didn't mark her as their 'fun' yet from the eyes of the vampires, her heart dropped.

Suddenly the huge guy, Fred, howled in laughter as he looked at her incredulously and asked, "Do you think he saved you, little rabbit?"

Skyla flinched at the familiar nickname that sent tingles down her spine. Gulping, she bit her lips as she looked at the huge guy who disappeared from his spot and appeared before her instantly.

"Waa-" Startled, Skyla staggered on her feet yet before she fell, Fred grabbed her arm and pulled her forward making Skyla let out a startled squeak.

"Saved you and yet brought you into a den of vampires," he whispered in her ears, making her eyes widen.

Skyla's breathing hitched as she clenched her fists and tried to pry her hand out but to her dismay, he held her in a vice-like-grip. Goosebumps arose on her body when his finger trailed down her face.

"Maybe he wanted to bring you back to let us have a taste of you"

Instantly her eyes turned cold as she glared at the huge guy in front of her, forgetting her fear for a second. Even if they are vampires, she didn't like them criticising her savior.

She slapped his hand away and sneered, "Do you think everyone is like you?"

To her astonishment, she saw a moment of surprise flash through Fred's face before a grin spread across his face making him look vicious..

"I like you, little rabbit." He tutted under his breath as he remarked, "Brave, feisty..." his eyes narrowed as he licked his tongue over his fangs and continued, " and stupid. My favourite type"