Doom to Befall

Skyla gritted her teeth as she tried to hide her anxiety brewing inside her, knowing all too well that she was no match for these vampires. She clenched her fists tight, trying to bury her shaky fingers within her fist.

At this moment, his words echoed in her mind making her press her lips in annoyance.


"Damn it," she cursed in a small voice, even though it was loud and clear for the vampires.

Her eyes wandered across the room and noticed how all the vampires were waiting patiently for the excitement to begin. Her eyes stopped at the young child, who was staring at her 'innocently'

The cute child blinked at her, before his lips curled into a mesmerizing smile and said in a sweet voice, "Sister, please be sure to entertain us"

Her body quivered in response but before she could process her thoughts, she felt a chill approaching her and instinctively squatted, following her body's automatic response.



She blinked twice before raising her eyes to meet Fred's astonished gaze. She bit her lips as she followed his hand and her eyes widened at the huge dent on the wall, showing how he missed to catch her by her neck.

Her lips parted open in surprise before her eyes whipped towards Fred, who now held a smirk on his face.


He removed his hand from the wall and instantly rubbles fell on the ground, near her feet making Skyla shift her body backward, nearly falling on her butt.

"You will be fun, little rabbit"

Gritting her teeth, Skyla lifted her eyes to scowl at him making Fred's lips twitch. That riled expression on her face contradicted what her body expressed- her small frame quivering under his taunting gaze, her face turning red from all the anger she was hiding inside yet she glared at him resolutely, refusing to bow down in surrender.

Her feistiness was sure enticing him to a whole different level… His eyes narrowed slightly as licked his lips while looking at the human resembling a gaze equivalent to a sheep staring at a pack of wolves.

His throat rumbled as he stretched his hand to grab her. His lips curled slightly when he saw the trace of panic finally evident on her face.

'Great! Now she knows to be scared'

Skyla moved backward, falling on her butt in the process. A crease formed on her forehead before she squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for her impending doom to befall.

Yet, she didn't feel the strong force on her even after seconds making her peek through her eyelashes.

And, the scene before her completely took her by surprise, making her open her eyes wide instantly as she stared at the huge hand right in front of her face, just inches away from his nail scratching her face.

His fingers twitched as it tried to reach her face but failed in doing so making the veins protrude on his knuckles displaying how hard he was trying to pounce on her.

Skyla blinked as she shifted her eyes slowly from his hand towards his enraged face. She could literally see the vein pop out from his temple and to her surprise, she found joy engulf her wholly as her lips curled into a smile before a full wide grin bloomed on her face, stunning the vampires.

Fred's eyes widened in surprise before he realized that she was laughing at him. An enraged roar left his mouth, stunning the entire room as he stretched his other hand to grab the human but to his utmost anger, he saw the same thing happening - his hand proceeding to halt a few inches away from her face, not even allowing his nails to scratch her.

"Give it up, you big gorilla," a sultry voice spoke, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

Skyla raised her brow when she saw Fred calm down instantly before turning to look behind him. Curious, she followed his gaze and saw a woman, dressed in a red attire with an exasperated look on her face when she met her gaze, standing by the door.

Elena's lips twitched when she saw the human curiously observing her. She didn't know whether she should be horrified or glad that she arrived at the right time to avoid something horrible from happening. She didn't even want to imagine the consequences everyone would have to face if they had hurt a single hair on the human.

But what surprised her more was the human's tenacity… Never had she thought that she would witness a human putting up a defiant fight against a vampire. This human was surely broadening her mind.

Skyla furrowed her brows in confusion when she saw the thoughtful expression on the woman's face suddenly converge into annoyance. In the next instant, a gust of air attacked her followed by a loud crash, reverberating inside the room.

Skyla whipped her face and her lips parted in surprise when she saw Fred covered in food as he lay sprawled on the cracked table.

"What happened?" she mumbled in wonder.

A gentle voice answered her question, "Look at her, and you will know"

Skyla gasped, startled by the voice and turned around to see a man standing beside her and signalling her to look at the woman.

'When did he appear here?'

Skyla furrowed her brows as she turned to the woman and to her astonishment, she noticed the whip becoming visible in her eyes. The ends of the whip were wrapped around Fred's arms, solving the mystery in the air.

Her eyes sparkled like stars as she gazed at the woman in amazement making Casper chuckle, "You are cute"

Skyla furrowed her brows slightly and tilted her head at him, silently asking 'Who are you again?' making his lips twitch.

Elena let out a breath before her cold eyes scanned the entire room, and said in a mocking voice, "I never thought there were people here who were gutsy enough to go against Ezekiel"

The entire room turned frigid with tension when they realized that the human was under that guy's protection. Elena shook her head, ignoring them and walked towards the human who looked like she would worship her any moment.

'Honestly, taking care of this girl is such a pain'

Casper helped Skyla up from the floor before he checked for any injuries. She smiled and waved her hand, "I'm not injured"

Casper raised his brow making her scratch her nose as she honestly confessed, "Just a tad scared"

He let out a smile as he commented, "You don't seem to be scared of us"

Skyla looked at Elena who stood beside Casper, observing her with her purple eyes and instantly understood him. She shrugged her shoulders with a smile, "If you wanted to kill me, you could have done that a moment ago"

That statement earned her a smile from both of them, making her smile grow.

"Well… let's get you back into your room before the devil appears"