You are not Human

Skyla's body stilled at his sudden question though she knew that this question was bound to rise. She glanced at Ezekiel, who was looking at her seriously, and asked softly, "Would you believe me if I said I didn't know?"

A crease formed on his forehead as he deliberated on her question while Skyla waited patiently for his reply. After what seemed like ages, Ezekiel nodded slowly making her smile widely while others protested against his decision instantly.

"But Ezekiel -" Casper's protest died in his throat when he saw Ezekiel raise his hand effectively shutting him up.

Ignoring his crossed expression, Ezekiel turned his eyes towards the petite human and said, "I will believe you"

Skyla let out a breath as she relaxed and shook her head, "I don't know"

Ezekiel nodded as he leaned against his chair while Xavier looked at them before exchanging exasperated glances with Casper and Elena.

He massaged his temples and shook his head, 'How could he just believe her?'

Soon, a soft tapping sound resounded inside the room making everyone look at Ezekiel who was tapping his finger against the arm of the chair while his eyes were on Skyla. He narrowed his eyes as he stopped tapping his finger and zeroed his eyes on her every movement, not wanting to miss any strange behaviour and asked sternly, "Okay…then do you know what you are?"

His question took her by surprise that it showed on her face vividly making him frown. A confused look crossed her face as Skyla tilted her head and pointed a finger at herself and asked bewilderingly, "What I am?"


Skyla couldn't help but be confused by his question. 'What I am? Isn't it obvious enough?'

She glanced at everyone to help her out but noticed them carrying the same heavy expression on their faces similar to Ezekiel's.

'Seriously, are they idiots?'

'Was it all an exaggeration in the books about the vampire's extra senses?'

Skyla rolled her eyes as she put down her finger and said ridiculously, "Obviously, a human"

She couldn't help but think that they lost their brains while they saved me… Her face froze as realization struck her…

'Maybe… This was their punishment? Punishment for saving a human?' Like all those stories she had read.

No good deed goes unpunished.. so maybe this was their punishment

'Aha' Skyla slapped her fist against the palm of her hand, startling the vampires, 'That must be it'

She pressed her lips as she glanced at the vampires and thought, 'Poor vampires, they had to lose their brain cells for saving me'

As Skyla was making her own conclusions, she heard a voice clearly, amidst all her messy conclusions, "You are not human"

Skyla blinked as she looked at Elena who looked at her grimly. A sarcastic smirk crossed her face as she retorted, "I have a beating heart… Do you want me to cut open my chest and show you?"

Right as she spoke, silence descended upon them as all the vampires focused on her chest making her subconsciously cover it.

'They do… don't they?'

Skyla scowled making Xavier laugh, "No, we are not that cruel"

She narrowed her eyes at him as if asking him silently, 'Really?'

Xavier's lips twitched at her obvious distrust. He coughed slightly, "It's just hard to believe that you are human when you can do that"

Skyla tilted her head confusedly yet he could see excitement brewing inside her eyes, "Do what?"


Xavier pointed to her neck but to his surprise, he saw her excitement cool down instantly as she rolled her eyes and said sullenly, "Oh..that one"

'Sigh! It was just another one of my mysteries'

She leaned back against the headboard and touched her neck and noticed her neck was free from bandage. Skyla pressed her lips as she realized that the speed of healing increased day by day, from the moment she stepped into this world.

But to say, that she wasn't human because of this, how dumb!

She sighed and looked at Ezekiel, who was back to observing her, "It has always been like this"

Surprise flashed through everyone as they asked simultaneously, "Always?"

Skyla nodded as flashes of her past reappeared in her mind, slowly drowning her in her memory lane.

Xavier rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "But that is not possible in a human…"

Skyla didn't hear him as she was lost in her memory lane, remembering all the incidents and how it was connected to her blood. She clenched her fingers unconsciously as she wondered whether what they said was true or not. Nevertheless, she didn't plan on revealing the mystery behind her blood… yet

Skyla lifted her eyes and looked at Xavier and scoffed, "Then what do you think? Do you think I am a werewolf?"

She chuckled loudly yet her chuckle came to a stop when she heard Ezekiel say, "No, you don't stink like them.... You have a very sweet flowery scent"

Her eyes widened as she looked at him in disbelief and asked, "Wait… do you mean to say that there are werewolves here?"

Her shock and surprise in her question made everyone look at her skeptically. How come she doesn't know this?

Skyla's jaw fell wide open when she noticed their obvious 'Duh' on their faces.

'Woah! Just what the heck is this place?'

As she was immersed in her thoughts, she didn't notice Ezekiel's move until she felt a shadow loom over her making her raise her face subconsciously. But in the next instant, her body froze when she noticed the pale face near hers, separated by few inches.

Ezekiel peered down at her as he asked in a slow, menacing voice, "Who are you?"

His cold breath fell all over her face making her shudder involuntarily. She gulped as she stared into those cold black eyes. Skyla could hear her heart pounding loudly in her ears making her cheeks red.

She turned her eyes away from him and clenched her fingers tight as she repeated the mantra in her mind, 'Control...control' before she opened her mouth to say, "I am a human and my name is Skyla"

Ezekiel moved his face closer making bullets of sweat form on her forehead. 'Damn this handsome Adonis'

Her heart almost skipped a beat when she heard his voice by her ear, "You better not be lying otherwise -"

Ezekiel's voice died when he felt her feather-like-touches on his cheek. His eyes widened slightly as his body stiffened under her warm fingers sending sweet tingles down his skin.

Pin-drop silence fell inside the room as Casper and Elena looked at them in shock while Xavier curled his lips and looked at them in interest.

Skyla tilted her head as she caressed his cheek and murmured with a smile, "So warm and soft"

Ezekiel stood before her like a frozen statue, allowing her to do whatever she liked. But when he felt her fingers touch his cold lips, he jolted back and in an instant, he was by the door looking at Skyla in shock.

Skyla blinked her eyes as if she was shaken awake from a dream before glancing at Ezekiel who looked quite stunned by her actions. She furrowed her brows before she realized that she had acted on her whims turning her face red in embarrassment.

'Crap! I have done it now'

Skyla dropped her head low as she rushed to cover up her embarrassment, "I'm sorry… but there was something on your face"

Right after saying that, she closed her eyes in surrender at her lame excuse. She didn't even want to look up to discern his expression. Soon she heard a soft hum before she heard his hurried footsteps.

Skyla lifted her head slightly and peeked through her eyelashes. Noticing his absence, she straightened up and immediately let out a huge sigh, 'How will I face him again?!'

She smiled at the stunned vampires and asked playfully, "Was he shy?"

Elena's lips twitched as she shook her head and went out of the door, followed by Casper who winked at her before leaving. Skyla patted her chest as she looked at the last vampire who was looking at her curiously, "You are really brave, little lamb"

Skyla pursed her lips as she asked, ignoring his nickname, "Why?"

"You touched him"

Xavier laughed when he noticed her confusion and continued, "No one has ever lived after touching a strand of him" He tutted under his breath, "Yet here you are"

Skyla widened her eyes in alarm as a thought crossed her mind, 'Will he deal with me later?'

Noticing her alarmed expression, he chuckled inwardly, 'Well, the ones who laid their hands were those who were either his enemies or women with ill intentions'

His eyes wandered to her and mused, ' It was the first time someone touched him out of mere curiosity' Looking at her tensed expression, he shrugged, 'Well, she didn't have to know that'

"Well, little lamb.. Take good rest and don't run around… not everyone here is as good as I am"

He laughed when he saw her scowl at him and left the room. Skyla's lips rose as she watched him leave before the smile disappeared from her face.

She looked at her fingers and mumbled to herself, "Am I really not human?"