First Time

I was being carried by Cera back to carriage and I was feeling extremely hot. I didn't know what to do with myself. Cera had done something new and I hadn't prepared for it!

I let myself be carried because I couldn't look her in the eyes at all. I buried my head in her chest only to be reminded of what she had just done to me. My body still feeling warm and fuzzy and my mind feeling hot.

I couldn't think straight.

She had never done something like that before. She had never taken charge like that and made me feel that good before. Usually when she injects Alm into me, I feel sleepy. But this time was different. It made me feel relaxed and happy. Excited and calm at the same time. My heart was still pounding erratically just from remembering what she had just done to me. She eventually stopped, but only after she had her fill. I don't know how long we were out for but the sun was setting. My mind still in a state of array.

There was no way I was going to get any sleep tonight.