Hurting Her

In that radiant weather, the two of them stood in front of each other. Louie being on the steep steps of the table by the park. Sean was on the bottom, staring up at him with a blank expression.

Louie was the one who started the conversation about Friya. Besides, he's the best friend. Everyone who hits on her goes through the hardest of obstacles. The hole of the needle was minuscule, and no one ever passed those tests before.

"I'll do everything you say. I know Friya's one of the most important people in your life, Louie," Sean told. He treasured every person who Friya loves. And he would take the promise that Louie made.

"Don't hurt her. Make sure she doesn't get hurt," he breathed. The surrounding air became gloomier. Sean's a perfect fit for Friya. They're of the same preference. Their attitudes matched each other.

Sean's dimples showed off as he beamed. That deep holes on his cheeks made Friya awed for starters. Louie understood it now. He was charming and exude a radiant behavior that everyone wanted to. It seemed comfortable around him whenever he's around.

He beamed as bright as the sun. Sean laughed as if there's no tomorrow.

Sean clasped his hands behind his back, voicing out, "Do you take me as a joke? Of course, I promise to her she wouldn't cry when she's with me. Even after decades, I'll make sure she doesn't get hurt."

He sounded serious, compared to the past ones. Louie's fingers flicked in an instant, and he expressed a gratitude towards him. He bit his lip as he nodded.

Sean suppressed a laugh and protested, "We still have a long way to go. We never know what might happen along the race. It's a battle with the destiny after all."


Sean gripped the pole of his intravenous pole by his side. He wheeled it down as Feline stopped in front of his room. Sean stared at the wooden door.

Her girlfriend, or so she stated, opened the door. Sean stared inside the ward and saw that it's empty. Feline bit her lip, thought that the two of them will be alone once again. She turned her head inside and nodded. "We need to go inside. Your nurse might scold you later."

Her long limbs pushed the door wide, making way for Sean. He cleared his throat, tussle his tidy hair, and head straight to his bed. Sean walked carefully to his bed, slipped out the slippers, and sat down on the cushion.

Feline took a seat in front of him, making sure that the wide gap made them comfortable with each other.

Sean blinked, began starting a conversation. "Do you still find me uncomfortable? I mean, it's not my fault that it happened, anyway."

Feline's widened eyes proved it wrong. She wagged her hands in front of her chest and denied, "I'm not uncomfortable with you. In fact, it's good to see you're awake again. But... your erased memories, it's temporary. It will be back again after a while."

Sean pursed his lips. Several questions popped out of his mind at once. The lack of sexual tension was there. Simultaneous with the prick of his guts that there's something odd.

"Feline, can we start all over again? I mean, with your story earlier. You're appalled while talking. Something to jog up my mind for starters," Sean suggested. He let go of the pole, placed the bag of the dextrose on the small hook on his bedside table. The line dripped in the liquid into his veins without interruption.

"Should I start over again or do you want to continue my story?" Feline pretended to holler. In fact, everything that she said back there in the hospital park was all made up. It doesn't have any touch of truth in it.

"Start over again. I want to listen to it," Sean grinned. Feline's cheeks blushed a little later.


Dancing around the floor, the students were partying non-stop. All of those people were drunkard bastards that found the club as their pastime place. Everyone was swaying their hips side by side. The people around jumped, the sound engineer on the stage spun the disco player.

The beat made the bartender behind the counter sway to his feet. His mixing of tequila, lemonade shot, and soju bombs were the best. That's why Feline, of all workers in the TSV studios, spent the wee hours of the night inside the club.

She's alone. No one wanted to drink with her, anyway.

"Thank you," she mumbled. The bartender gave a nod while she brushed her hands through her hair. She circled her fingertips on the rim of the glass and thought about Sean.

She swiveled the chair, leaned her back on the counter, and drank the bluish mix of alcohol and lemon. It tasted sweet, but bitter after it went past her tongue. She placed the glass back on the counter.

Feline observed the surroundings of the club. They jumped up and down like there's no tomorrow. She snarled, "How come those students spent some time here? They should be home by now."

She's not the kind who would get wasted with drinks. After all, she's loved by her parents. No reason would urge her to rebel with them.

Feline was sick seeing those students with their uniforms danced. With the alcohol draining down on their bodies. They're wild and carefree. Nothing could make them change.

Feline shifted her seat, drank the remaining alcohol on her glass. She grunted as the fire blazed inside her esophagus. When she was about to call out to the bartender once again, someone sat down beside her.

Feline ignored him for a bit, but when she stare at him, she's dumbfounded. She gasped, crying out, "Sean? What are you doing here?"

He's not the type who would go inside a chaotic club full of drunkard students. Or so Feline only thought in dreams. Sean shifted his gaze and gaped.

"Feline... you're here too."