Their Relationship

"Why you're here? I thought you're going home early," Feline panted. She ran up from the second floor of the studios, down to the ground floor, and in front of the parking lot. She huffed her breath first.

Sean stared at her and mumbled, "I... wanted to hang out for a while."

Feline's puzzled by what he said, and retorted back, "You want to hang out? With whom?"

Feline's heart skipped a beat. She doesn't want to expect something from him. Sean lived with Friya for so long. They must get married soon. Feline waited for his response as Sean thought about it. He must have developed second thoughts by now.

Sean scratched the back of his head. He felt humiliated at what he thought. He must be going out of his mind to think that he could hang out with Feline. Alone. Sean shook off those disturbing thoughts away. He changed his mind right there.

Feline peeked through his pre-occupied face, but Sean shrugged, "Forget it. I still have plans with Friya this night."

Sean knuckled his fists. Feline's heart ache after a second. She knew it. He still wanted to be with her, even if they have a heartfelt conversation last time. Even if Sean was trying his best to avoid Feline, he couldn't. He wanted someone who could could understand his situation rather than Friya.

Feline recovered from the stagger and spoke, "It's alright. You need to rest. I'll be going."

She pointed at the lot. Sean glanced at her and nodded. She beamed back and turned her heel around. Feline's heart carried once again the burden of pain she didn't expect to. She's trying hard not to fall for him deeper, but her heart said no.

Feline fumbled for her keys and walked to her car without even looking back.

Sean followed her with his eyes. He turned on the other side. His cell phone rung for the nth time now and he knew it was Friya. Sean hissed annoyingly, trying to control the anger from rising.


Friya sat down in the living room, glancing at the wall clock at the top of the television set. It was past 8pm now, but Sean was still out there, working. She leaned her back on the cushion of their sofa and watched the latest drama.

Friya didn't even understand one line from it. She turned it off, and the silence succumbed her after a while. Friya prepared a dinner earlier. She knew Sean would come home early. It's Saturday tomorrow. She pursed her lips as she knew Sean slacked off once again.

Friya sighed and picked up her cell phone. She called Sean's number, and he picked up after the fifth ring.

"Hello?" Sean's voice uttered. Friya didn't answer after a while and licked her lips in disappointment. She could hear the honking cars in the background. He's still in traffic? He must be here if he leave his office around 6pm.

"Where are you?" Friya asked. She doesn't want to nag anymore, she's being too much, as she apprehended herself. Sean hummed a tune before answering, "Yes. I'm going home."

Friya nodded, even though Sean couldn't see it. "I'll be waiting for you. Let's have some dinner."

She was the one who hung up first. Friya placed it back on the table as she slid on the cushion. She placed the back of her neck on it as she closed her eyes. Friya put her forearm on her eyes and thought about what had gone wrong.

There's something that lacked from their relationship in the past years. Was it because they rushed themselves to live together in a house? Their marriage was still on planning stage. Sean's parents didn't even want her for him. Friya breathed as she hissed.

What can she do? She would do everything for Sean. No matter how difficult the circumstances were.

At that moment, someone rung the doorbell. Friya jumped from the cushion and stood up. It rang a few times again, and that's when Friya went to the door to check. It must be Sean.

She unlocked the knob and pushed the door wide open. Friya mumbled, "Sean, you're late."

Friya observed the shoes, and she realized it wasn't her boyfriend. She stared up to see a man with his plaid down shirt on and khaki shorts. He's smiling, with his hair covering his forehead, and he hoisted the coffee in his hands. Friya blinked numerous times and muttered, "Louie, what are you doing here?"

She stood upright, opened the door wide, and showed her outfit. Friya was glad that she dressed in shorts and sweatshirts. Or else she would look like someone who came out of bed. Friya tucked in the loose strands of her hair behind her ears.

"I'm paying a visit. Is Sean right there? I think I saw him in his office around 5pm now, running some errands," Louie mumbled. He held onto the coffee and Friya gave way. He went inside, slipped out of his shoes, and waited for Friya to lead the way.

"Why did you drop by? Is there something you wanted to say?" Friya plastered a beam on her lips. She went inside and motioned for Louie to take a seat down in their kitchen. Louie helped himself on the seat while Friya retrieved saucers.

Louie cleared his throat and brought some good news to her. He placed the coffee in front of Friya's saucer and sighed. He began, "Your current radio show, "Dear Love", is on Number One. The CEO was ecstatic to bring the good news to you. You still had that impact, Friya. You should never give up being a radio producer."

Friya froze in her place as she gripped the cup. She parted her lips as she stifled a gasp. She swallowed, darted her eyes to the other side and shook her head. Her lips turned into a grin after a second.

She couldn't think of anything but that number one. Was she hearing it right?

Louie chuckled. He pointed out, "That's why I brought some coffee. I know you would freeze in your place once you heard it."