
Feng Hei Lang finished eating her meal and stretched. "That was yummy! But I only have 310 tallies now..." She sighed and dropped her medallion back into her shadow.

Kang Lei nudged her. "Hey, if you're low on tallies, why don't you do some commissions with me?"

She nodded. "Yeah, let's go do some commissions. Aren't they mostly 25 tallies per commission though?"

He laughed. "The easier ones are. The harder they are, the more tallies they are worth. Let's just go the the commission board and see which one we can do."

Feng Hei Lang followed Kang Lei to a wooden board with multiple sheets of paper on it. He pointed to the papers. "If you want to take a commission, you take it off the board and then pass it to the fox at the front desk. He'll then approve of it and then you will do the commission."

She read over the commissions on the board.

"Pick five bundles of spiritual herbs! Reward: 25 tallies"

"Catch a white-pelt wolf! Reward: 25 tallies"

"Escort a Silver-Rank Disciple to the nearest city to buy weapons Reward: 50 tallies"

"Spar with a Gold-Rank Disciple! Rewards: 25 tallies"

Feng Hei Lang frowned. "It's only fifty tallies for the highest one?"

Kang Lei nodded. "That's already rare. Most of the time, it is just twenty-five tallies. The spiritual herb one would be the easiest. Do you want to do that?"

She shook her head. "I was thinking about the last two. The spiritual herb one doesn't list any specific herb, so if we bring the wrong one, it will be on us. And I don't want to go searching for a white-pelt wolf."

Kang Lei looked at the bottom two. "I doubt a Silver Rank Disciple would appreciate if a Bronze Rank Disciple decided to escort them. You should take the last one! I'll do the white-pelt wolf one."

Feng Hei Lang nodded and ripped the paper off of the board. Then, she brought it to the fox sitting at the desk.

The fox looked up. "Medallion please." She quickly dropped her medallion on the table.

The fox scanned it then passed back the commission paper. "The Gold-Rank Disciple will be waiting at the East courtyard."

Feng Hei Lang picked up the paper. "Thank you." She nodded to Kang Lei as he walked past her.

He waved back at her. "See you later!"

She headed out and started running towards the East courtyard. "Where is the courtyard anyways? It should be in the East, so I'll just use [Shadow Manipulation] to get there!"

Feng Hei Lang melted into her shadow and reappeared in an area with mainly grass. There was a single fox in human form practicing their slashes at a training dummy.

His movement was smooth and polished, with no wasted movement. On the side of the courtyard were some other foxes watching him.

Feng Hei Lang cleared her throat. "Excuse me...Are you the Gold-Rank Disciple who posted the commission?"

The boy turned back and she stumbled a step back. "EHH?! Kirei? Aren't you a Platinum-"

Kirei instantly clamped his hand over her mouth. "Quiet." He removed his hand and she panted for breath. 'But he's a Platinum-Rank! What is he doing saying that he is a Gold-Rank Disciple? Unless he purposely said it to attract less attention?'

A girl standing on the side frowned. "Who are you to talk to him that way? Address him properly! He is your Highness, Kirei Ren!"

Kirei held out a hand towards her. "Stop. I posted a commission today for a sparring partner."

The girl pouted. "You could have just asked me! Why would you post a commission on the board? They are all weaklings!"

Feng Hei Lang clenched her fists. She really wanted to slap that girl.

Kirei held out a hand for the commission paper. She passed it to him and dipped her head. "Feng Hei Lang, Bronze Rank Disciple."

The girl started laughing really hard. "AHAHAHAHA! BRONZE! DID YOU HEAR THAT?! BRONZE RANK DISCIPLE! AHHAHA!"

Kirei ignored the girl. "What weapon do you want to use?"

Feng Hei Lang thought for a moment. "I'd like a bow and some daggers."

He waved his hand and instantly, a high quality bow and a few daggers fell out of thin air.

She gasped. "Spatial magic?"

Kirei nodded. "Spatial pouch."

Feng Hei Lang picked up the weapons and slipped them within her cloak. 'I've been waiting to spar against him! Although I don't have too much combat experience, my ability is a perfect counter to his! I wonder what will happen if I verse him!'

The girl yawned as they got into position. "Your Highness, Kirei! You shouldn't even bother! You can beat a Bronze Rank Disciple in a single hit!"

Feng Hei Lang gritted her teeth. 'No...I need to calm down. She's provoking me.'

Kirei brought out two short-swords from his spatial pouch. "You ready?"

She nodded and he ran towards her, disappearing.

Feng Hei Lang whirled around in a circle. 'Where did he go?! I don't see him!' She sensed movement behind her and quickly activated [Dash], jumping out of the way.

There was a slash from the place where she was a moment ago. Feng Hei Lang's eyes widened. 'That [Sense] stat is useful! It helped me know where he was going to attack!'

She saw him stand steadily in position. He held one of his swords up to the sky. "Blazing Hell."

Instantly, the sky darkened and it started getting hotter. The girl cheered. "Go Your Highness!"

Waves of dark fire started wavering on the ground, then it shot right towards her like fireballs. Feng Hei Lang brought up her hand to use [Shadow Manipulation]. Instantly a barrier of shadow formed. The black fire crashed against it, but it didn't break.

Feng Hei Lang started sweating. 'Yes! It seems my [Shadow Manipulation] can block his fire!' She formed the barrier like a shield and started walking towards Kirei while holding it up to block his fire.