Qi in the Shape of a Python

The next morning.

As Zhou Yi walked along the street, he heard people gossiping around him.

Normal people were oblivious to the demonic aura that was present everywhere between heaven and earth. But things like a dragon's humming and the tail of a Thunder Fox were perceivable to the naked senses.

There was nothing special going on in the capital. For many middle-class people who were disengaged from work, their biggest entertainment was gossip.

Zhou Yi however, absolutely despised gossip. He overheard people secretly spreading a rumor saying that the demon suppressed by the imperial palace had escaped.

As soon as he stepped into the Resource Division, he immediately felt that there was a depressing ambiance all around. His colleagues, who were usually giggling and laughing around, were all solemnly doing their work. Even Li Xun, who always had a hippy smile on his face, was also deep in seriousness at this moment.