A Slash to Sever A Tail

In the blink of an eye, the inn was empty.

Feng Ling'er stuck her head out from Zhou Yi's sleeves and chittered.

"Sir, she discovered me."

Now that Feng Ling'er had spent many days cultivating in the Secret Tome of the Sky Fox, she had mastered the method of conveying her voice via her soul.

Zhou Yi nodded gently, "My mastery in the path of magic is indeed lesser than that of nine-tailed foxes. What are your thoughts?"

Feng Ling'er kept silent for a moment. Eventually, she shook her head, not knowing how to answer.

As her intelligence grew day after day, Feng Ling'er understood that being able to travel with Zhou Yi was an incredible opportunity. If not for him, her inferior aptitude as a half-human half-demon meant that it would be difficult for her to even get started with cultivation.

"Your mother's death back when she strayed into the Demon Slaying Department is, directly and indirectly, related to me."