Jason's focus drifted in and out as he stepped down from the car he hired to bring him to the Orphanage.

He made a mental note to him, if he ever goes out again; he was going with his car. His strides were mismatched and he was scuffling his feet.

Without having the opportunity to brace himself, the children jumped on him with welcoming smiles and worried expressions. It was the first time he was having a physical contact with the lots of them. It dawned slowly on Jason but these children were happy to see him and must have worried at his apparent absence.

John came to his rescue and shoo them away from him before he extended a handshake. What the boy wanted was to jump on him like the other kids but he was older and he wanted to behave like an adult.

Jason took his outstretched hand and pulled him into a hug that lasted five seconds before it became awkward for both of them.