Jason knew only one person who would have called his bluff, someone who could see through the bravado and rudeness to the man frightened for his only friend.

He wished he could talk to her or see her bite her lower lip, anything from her would have made his world a little better.

Without warning, the cold water from the shower ran down his body and it gave him some sort of relief.

Jason heard someone come inside the shower and hugged him from behind. He wanted to call out McKenna's name but even he wasn't that stupid to think McKenna was in Malawi in Naya's bathroom. His only option was Naya and if she was holding him from behind, it only meant two things. One, she was there to beat his ass up for being a jackass or she was there to drag him out of her shower. Either way, Jason was sure he deserved it.

"I am here to finish what you started" Naya's throaty voice held a hint of seduction.