"Jacob" McKenna called out without opening her eyes.

"How did you know it's me?" He asked and kissed her cheek again.

"Because I'd know your 'passport for love perfume' anywhere, Jacob and if it wasn't you, I will be screaming my lungs out by now…And will you stop kissing my cheek?" McKenna let out a belly laugh, that type that can only be seen as hearty.

"I'm sorry I can't help myself but maybe if you open your eyes, I might stop"

Jacob watched as her eyelids fluttered before it opened. Jacob didn't mean for his intake of air to be so loud that McKenna turned to look at him. He just didn't expect her to be so beautiful and breathtaking. Jacob knew that the only way to keep her in his life was to take their relationship slowly and not overwhelm her with his profession of love and whatnot. He watched her big brown eyes as they scan his face. And for the last time he kissed her cheek and lifted up the basket to show McKenna.