"Why are you not talking to Jason about this? Last time I checked, he had powers to move mountains"

"Well if you must know, the last time he moved mountains to please me, I did not exactly react…ladylike" Naya explained

"Is that your way of saying you attacked him from behind and to save you from falling, he almost broke his arm?" Chike asked with a crooked eyebrow

"Okay…yes and now things are awkward between us" Naya complained.

"It is not your fault; Jason has this strong feeling about physical assault. It has something to do with his childhood and I am sure he will tell you about it when he is ready" Chike was compassionate as he explained his friend's behavior.

"You mean his father, Jason told me he was beaten as a child by him. I think it is barbaric" Naya's face showed she was disgusted.