Naya turned around to face Jason. She used the white towel on the table to wipe the beads of water coming from her hair.

"I am sorry I hit you at the national park" Naya apologized.

"Naya, we've talked about this and I said its okay. It is in the past" Jason reassured her.

"No, I need you to listen to me" Jason avoided her gaze like he didn't want her to see him "Look at me, Jason…please"

Jason looked at her and held her gaze for a while.

"I am sorry I hit you, it will never happen again" She was sincere.

"I believe you, Naya. And if you think international adoption is a good idea, then I will do my homework and we will present it to both my mother and Veronica. I am always going to be on your side but all I ask is your honesty" Jason looked her in the eyes as he spoke.