Chapter Eighty One

McKenna gave a whole new meaning to the phrase 'life of the party', she felt like was floating and she could literally fly. People woo and encouraged her behavior by hollering and cheering her on. 

Jason fought his way through the crowd that gathered around McKenna. Even though some of the people clustered around McKenna were just having as much fun as the girl herself, he saw a scrawny looking guy taking a video of McKenna on top of the table almost naked.

Jason approached him first. If it was his country, he would have slugged him or give him a black eye at least but apparently, in Canada it was illegal and might land him in jail. God, it was days like this that he missed his country the most.

He took the phone from the guy forcefully and deleted the video. The man fussed and was pissed off at the black man that came out of nowhere to take his phone away.