Chapter Eighty Two

Chapter Eighty Two

McKenna felt the first drop of tears down her cheeks and she wiped it off. The last thing she wanted was to cry in front of Jason. She watched him from the spot she stood and he looked the same just like that day he told her, he was leaving her for Malawi. He still had the same beautiful darkest shade of brown she had ever seen, the same chiseled jaw line and serious expression.

"You shouldn't panic, McKenna. You are not going to turn into an internet sensation because you went wild for a night" Jason wanted to sound optimistic but he just didn't' feel it. He flashed a smile at her even though inside, what he wanted was a punching bag with Jacob's face on it. He couldn't even look McKenna in the eye. He didn't want her to know how hurt he was that she slept with another man.