Chapter Eighty four

Chapter Eighty four

Warning: This chapter contains words, most might deem to be strong and R18. Kindly skip the chapter if you are not comfortable with it. Have a great day!

"So, McKenna...tell me about this guy you fucked"

The juice went in the wrong tube and it sent McKenna into uncontrollable coughing session.

"Don't say it like that" McKenna was able to say when her episode subsided.

"Don't say it like what? It is a simple question" Jason's eyes were humorless and cold. His posture was relaxed yet the veins in his hand popped out and were visible to the person closest to him.

"You don't have to say it like I am a Slut" McKenna lowered her eyes. Suddenly she wasn't no longer hungry even the hangover seems to have disappeared. The only thing that remained was the feeling of a sharp knife twisting slowly in her gut and the overwhelming feeling to punch Jason right in the face for being cruel.