Chapter Eighty Five

Chapter Eighty Five

Jason couldn't believe it but there was truth to what McKenna said. He was indeed at her mercy. He was at the mercy of the feelings she brought out of him. Her eyes told him that she was not going to cower or sit still and obey all his commands. 

He couldn't believe it but she was much stronger than when he saw her in Nigeria. But he couldn't fault her, he did tell her to have an adventure and grow up.

Slowly, he pulled his hand away from her face. He had a calm come over him and just like that, he was in control of his emotions again.

He slowly backed away from McKenna. And she pushed herself to sit upright on the bed. Her hands were shaking but just a little bit and her breathing was taking it's sweet time to get back to normal. Every sensory in her body scream at her to drag Jason back on the bed and make him finish what he started but it was too late. He had already backed away from her and he was inside the bathroom.