Chapter Ninety

Chapter Ninety

McKenna started at the ceiling of her apartment. She was just noticing for the first time that it wasn't really a white colored ceiling; it had tiny black dots that are almost invisible. They looked hidden but they were beautiful.

Then she was no longer staring at the ceiling but the clear night sky, like she could see through her bedroom ceiling. She could count the stars forever and she wouldn't be able to count them all. McKenna knew it was just her mind playing tricks on her, creating a space where she could have a moment of peace without her ridiculous love triangle.

Slowly, the stars shone brighter but one caught her attention. It stood out. Like it was unbothered and it wasn't trying to impress anyone with it's light, yet that star somehow was the brightest. No matter where McKenna turned to face, her eyes unwillingly comes back to the lone star.