Chapter Ninety One

Chapter Ninety One

Aera smiled. It was that type of smile that comes before a blush. Like someone namely Luca had just whispered something to her ears that was both flattering and embarrassing. She looked around to be sure no one else overheard what Luca told her. She pushed him gently and smiled.

Luca grinned, mission accomplished, he said to himself. His aim was to make her blush. He watched her as they made their way to the auditorium for a lecture. He just doesn't remember the course he had that morning except it was in the same period with his new friends.

He watched her and he doesn't need a palm reader to tell him that he really liked Aera. She was a good friend. Lately, people had been assuming they had something between them but they don't. They just enjoy each other's company.

Aera was like the yin to his yang. They were like the direct opposite of each other. Aera was shy, reserved and inquisitive while Luca was loud, outgoing and intrusive.