[Bonus chapter]Chapter Ninety Eight

Chapter Ninety Eight

One hour earlier.

"I am sorry but I swear I just heard you say something" Elena inquired from her friend with a shocked expression.

Both friends were standing near the window. Elena was sitting near the window with yet another book in her hands but she had to stand when she heard the ridiculousness coming from McKenna.

"I said I told Jason I couldn't hang out with him because you and I had a girl thing. And I couldn't in good conscience let you down" McKenna repeated herself.

She felt guilty about the whole thing and she shouldn't have lied but she couldn't tell the truth either. And it was just one night as Jacob's date. She had decided to tell him she was with Jason at the end of the night. She was not evil, was she?

"What exactly is a girl thing? Why would you use that as an excuse to Jason?" Elena asked hand akimbo.

"It was the only thing i could come up with at such a short period of time"