Chapter Ninety Nine

Chapter Ninety Nine

"What do you mean by its Jason's fundraiser, Luca?" McKenna was panicking.

Her heart kept beating faster and faster. Suddenly her palms were sweating and even her routine breathing in and out wasn't doing the job anymore. if She kept it up she was going to have her first heart attack at age Twenty one.

"Did Jason talk to you about this mask party to raise money for orphan children in Africa?" Luca asked her.

Jason had been excited and happy since he connected with McKenna and Luca found it hard to believe he would forget to invite McKenna to something this important to him. He just needed to figure out what was going on.

"He asked if we could hang out today but I already promise someone to be a plus one to this mask party. And it was before Jason and i became serious" McKenna explained to him.