[Bonus chapter]Chapter Hundred

Chapter Hundred

McKenna felt her mouth move but she doesn't actually remember the excuse she gave Jacob. She just left him in the middle of the garden.

After Jason came to welcome them, she felt like she was going to throw up. Jacob must have noticed how queasy she was and presumed she needed air.

What McKenna really needed was a rock to hide under but she accepted Jacob's help and allowed herself to be led outside to the garden.

"Are you okay?" Jacob asked her. She looked ashen.

"I am..Hmm..."

McKenna just didn't remember the excuse she gave to the man she had willingly came to the party with. All she remembered was roaming the mansion looking for Jason. 

She almost bumped into one of the Spencer twins but she couldn't tell which of the twin it was, whether it was Riley or Ray. So she just called him Mr. Spencer. Even though the twin had a black tuxedo on, he was without mask.