Chapter Hundred and Fifteen

Chapter Hundred and Fifteen

Jason could feel his heart pound in his chest. He was actually nervous. It was his first official date with McKenna and he plans to yell to the world how much he loved her.

He tried not to let it show in his attire, it was why he left his impressive clothes for something less flashy and comfortable.

Last night, he tried to have a conversation with his mother. He didn't like the way they left things but she wasn't in her room, he hadn't seen her since their argument. He wondered how it was possible for two adults to stay in the same space and not bump into each other, it was too coordinated to be a coincident.

But he would find a way to have a conversation with her before she leaves for Nigeria, a day after tomorrow.

He picked up the keys to the red Chevy impala he had asked Andrew Spencer for, last night and headed out.