[Bonus chapter]Chapter hundred and sixteen

Chapter hundred and sixteen

"What are you talking about?" Jason inquired.

His heart pounded until he couldn't hear anything else, even the words he spoke was shaky and came with a deadly wait time, time it would take for McKenna to confirm her suspicion.

He could feel his palm sweat and suddenly he was light headed like someone just took the ground right from under him and he was under the threat of falling into a bottomless pit.

He rubbed his palm together as he waited for an emotional girl to get herself together.

"I said you have to go" even though the words came out in a normal sound. The sharp pain in her heart became amplified. Then came the terrible feeling in her abdomen, like a pressure was building up and soon, it will get to her chest cavity and she wouldn't be able to breathe.

"You need to go to Malawi and save that orphanage"