Chapter hundred and sixty two

Chapter hundred and sixty two

Elena stayed in her room with Chike but he was lost in thought. Did Jenny miss anything about Elena? Was she a spy sent to kill him? It sounded ridiculous yet he thought of it. He hated that he was making a wonderful woman into a killer spy in his mind.

"Earth to Chike"

"Sorry, your apartment is beautiful. Are you rich or something?" Chike asked her.

"I get by" she simply said.

"But your family must be rich. I am sure you can't afford this place on your salary" Chike implied and he wanted Elena to confirm what he already knew.

"My father was rich. Now I just get by and not that it is any of your business, my salary can pay for this place" Elena said becoming angry. In the past, guys had always wanted her for her father's money. For once in her life, with Chike she thought since he had money too that the reverse would be the case.